Did you know....

Heaves, otherwise known as Recurrent Airway Obstruction, is the most prevalent lung disease seen in horses.

How does it show itself?

In most cases it doesn't, and may go undetected. You may however see the following:

  • Occasional coughing
  • Reduced performance (e.g. reluctance to respond to aids)
  • Mucus from the nose
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Increased abdominal effort
  • Abnormal lung sounds

What people say...

"...been using the Haygain Steamer for just over a month and it’s made ours and the horses lives so much better...coughs have disappeared and they are all so much healthier eating steamed (hay)" Caroline W.

"...a superb product and since I have been using it for my two horses, their breathing have improved dramatically....suffered terribly from dust and microbes from the hay. Soaking was no good...he was coughing constantly...since the arrival of the HG600, the incidents of coughing have virtually diminished" Zoe Cottle

"We’ve been using the Haygain Steamer for just over a month ...the coughs have disappeared and they are all so much healthier eating steamed hay" Caroline Williamson

Why does it matter?

Horse heaves is a chronic condition and can threathen your horse's long-term health and performance.

How can Haygain help?

Taking steps to minimise exposure to the airborne respirable dust will undoubtedly reduce the risk of Heaves.

The dust in hay is a key cause of respiratory inflammation. Steaming hay with a Haygain hay steamer eliminates respirable dust particles, killing mould, bacteria, fungal spores and mite faeces.

Reducing stable dust and ammonia off-gasing is also important. Haygain's ComfortStall sealed, orthopaedic flooring reduces bedding requirements by up to 75% and being sealed and hydrophobic, removes ammonia off-gassing caused by urine.