Feeding Haygain can reduce incidence of IAD by 63%

Feeding Haygain can reduce incidence of IAD by 63%

An important new study found that feeding horses Haygain steamed hay reduced the incidence of Inflammatory Airway Disease (IAD) by almost two-thirds.  

The abstract of this new study by Dr Dauvillier and Dr van Erck-Westergren was presented last month at the Journées de la Recherche Equine in Paris, and parts of which were previously presented at the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine in June 2016. 

The study found that 84% of all horses examined were suffering from IAD. The main origins of this were bedding and forage.  

Feeding Haygain steamed hay reduced the chances of being diagnosed with IAD by an impressive 2.7 times. Or, in other words, it reduces the occurrence of IAD in horses by an impressive 63%.

Importantly the study found that of the different forage options (dry hay, soaked hay, haylage, or Haygain steamed hay) steamed hay not only had the lowest risk but was the ONLY method which significantly decreased the risk of IAD.  

Dr. Van Erck-Westergen had already stated in the past that IAD is significantly more prevalent than is generally assumed. This partly results from the lack of obvious symptoms associated with IAD in many horses. 


-          American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, June 2016, “The Prevalence of Fungi in Respiratory Samples of Horses with Inflammatory Airway Disease” by Dr. J Dauvillier and Dr. E Westergren

-          Journées de la Recherche Equine, March 2017, « Fréquence des moisissures dans les prélèvements respiratoires des chevaux atteints d'IAD » by Dr. J Dauvillier and Dr. E Westergren

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