Blog - News

Please note the articles in this section only appear in English language.

A Cut Above the Rest? Understanding the differences between Hay and Haylage

A Cut Above the Rest? Understanding the differences between Hay and Haylage
Choice of forage should not only be based on which type of forage may be most suitable, but also what forage you can reliably source of good consistent quality.
As forage should comprise the majority of any horse’s diet, knowing a little more about where we are sourcing our forage from and what questions to ask from the provider is key in ensuring we make the best feeding decisions.

It's Show Time

It's Show Time
It is -- finally -- "show time!" again in much of the country. There's been ample time for conventional mechanical checks of trailer and truck: brakes, lights, electrical, interiors, etc. Consideration of the horse's respiratory health is equally important because it can be badly compromised during travel.